Farmland to Lakes

Farmland to Lakes...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Saying Goodbye to Whining and Complaining

I just ordered the Mp3's from Biblical, called Saying Goodbye to Whining and Complaining.

Wow, the things that I am taking out of it are awesome!

Just some of my notes, nothing organized

Set clear boundries!

When your child asks for a snack, and you are getting supper ready.
You say "no, I am making supper"
Your child keeps badgering you for a snack, and whining and complaining, you need to take action.
Right away, because if you wait, and give in and give them a cookie and milk, then when they spill the milk, you are angry!  The spilled milk wasn't what made you angry, it was the whining and complaining.
Instead you could say
"You need to go to your room for 15 minutes while I finish supper."
 Deal with the whining and badgering before it makes you angry.

You want to teach your child to fly straight, teach them obediance.
If you want them to fly High, teach them honor.

Honor is treating others as special, doing what's more then expected, and having a good attitude.

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